Yonge-Dundas Square to be renamed “Sankofa Square”

The Yonge-Dundas Square is set to be renamed Sankofa Square.
The name was unanimously chosen by the 20-member Recognition Review Community Advisory Committee (CAC) comprising Black and Indigenous leaders and other stakeholders from Dundas Street.
Derived from Ghanaian culture, ‘Sankofa’ translates to “go back and get it”, symbolizing the importance of learning from the past to progress collectively.
According to the Board, the new name acknowledges the legacy of anti-Black racism and fosters a more inclusive and diverse Toronto.
The renaming process is scheduled to commence in 2024. This will be accompanied by a public education campaign focusing on the impact of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and slavery on Toronto and Canada.
The Yonge-Dundas Square Board is expected to report to the Council with the details of the new name by the end of Q2 2024.
The Toronto City Council has voted to rename four significant city assets currently named after Dundas, an 18th-century British politician known for his opposition to the abolition of slavery.
This decision follows two years of extensive public consultation and research conducted by a community advisory committee.
The other three city assets slated for renaming are the Dundas and Dundas West subway stations, and the Jane/Dundas Public Library.
The City and the TTC will collaborate with Toronto Metropolitan University and the CAC to choose new names for the subway stations.
Meanwhile, the Toronto Public Library Board will work with the City to rename the library.
The renaming project is estimated to cost around $700,000, which existing funds will cover.
By: Ebenezer Amankwah, Toronto