The Sanctuary of the Ghanaian Presbyterian Church, Toronto,was packed full as congregants converged there to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The day was Sunday April 21, 2019 with “A New Day” as the theme of the Easter festivities taken from Luke 24:1-12.
The guest preacher was Rev. Frederick Stewart, Executive Presbyter of the Presbytery of West Toronto. After the Scripture readings the Anointed Voices gave credence to their name by the rendition of special music for the Easter. It was followed by Bible readings in English, Twi and Ga followed by an anthem by the Church choir.
Rev. Frederick Stewart after giving the intercessory prayer delivered his sermon under the theme: “A New Day.” He started his exhortation that the Triune of God-Father, Son and Holy Spirit, sat together and planned the whole thing. “God’s plan to redeem us and save us was settled long before creation and we know that the program was set because we heard in God’s word from the prophets’ centuries before the birth of the Savior, the specific and wonderful truth about this Jesus that will come and save us”, he said. Rev. Stewart addedthat the first new day is Christmas. “God joined himself with humanity in the person of Jesus. God becoming flesh was a marvelous and wonderful new day and we celebrate it”, he emphasized.
“Another new day”, he said, was the day Jesus died. He emphasized the fact that there is power in the death of Jesus Christ as he was the perfect sacrifice for our sin. He was the ultimate sacrifice paying the ultimate price for us all. He brought a brand new day because now there was forgiveness not to cover our sins but to wash them completely clean to be white as snow.Concluding, Rev. Stewart said that“Christ is risen, and that new day changed history. It began a movement that spread across the four corners of the globe. The fact that he died and rose again as he said changed everything.”As part of the Easter celebration, a special appeal for funds was held. The closing prayer and benediction were offered by Rev. Dr. Raymond Baah Abekah.