
Ghanaian Women’s Fasting and Prayer Conference Prays on Victoria Day

Members of the Ghanaian Women’s Fasting and Prayer Conference have gathered to offer prayers to God, seeking guidance and protection for all, especially Ghanaian families in the diaspora.

The conference, held at the Living Word Assembly of God Church in Toronto, centred around the theme “Who do you say I am,” taken from Matthew 16:15.

The prayers focused on the prevalent news in the community and media, which often highlight deaths due to diseases, suicides, accidents, and shootings.

Mrs. Comfort Ayiku, President of the Ghanaian Women’s Fasting and Prayer Conference, emphasized the urgent need for prayer in light of recent global events, urging members to continue praying without ceasing, as the Bible instructs.

In his welcome address, Pastor Isaac De-graft Takyi, Lead Pastor of the Living Word Assembly of God, highlighted the significance of this fasting and prayer conference.

He acknowledged the power of prayer in comforting those affected by crime, sickness, and negativity.

Pastor Takyi also praised the women who have taken up the mantle of intercession for their families, community, and the world, encouraging more Christian women to join their ranks.

During the conference, prayer leaders guided participants through various topics, with a particular focus on the recent surge in deaths from diseases such as stroke, liver and kidney malfunction, various cancers, vehicular accidents, and shootings.

A moment of silence was observed to honour the late Retired Reverend Joseph Osei-Amoah, whose contributions significantly impacted the growth of the Prayer Conference.

The Ghanaian Women’s Prayer Conference was established on May 24, 2002, and holds two meetings annually: one on Victoria Day (the third Monday in May) and another during Thanksgiving (October).

The conference is non-denominational, welcoming members from every Bible-believing church.

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