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Calgary man forcibly removed from PM’s pancake breakfast pleads guilty to trespassing

A Calgary man who became angry, disruptive and got “too close” to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at a private Stampede breakfast pleaded guilty to trespassing Wednesday.

Kent Manning, 63, was handed a $750 fine for his behaviour at the 2022 event. He was described by his lawyer as being “very involved in politics.”

Because Manning is unemployed, defence lawyer Alain Hepner asked for seven months for his client to pay the fine.

Manning has a “lengthy” criminal history, according to Alberta Justice, although his most recent conviction is for criminal harassment and dates back to 2010.

‘You don’t know who I am’

On Wednesday, Manning admitted to the facts of the incident read aloud by prosecutor Martha O’Connor.

On July 10, 2022, the Calgary Skyview Liberal MP George Chahal hosted a private pancake breakfast at the Genesis Centre for Liberal party members and friends. Trudeau attended as the “special guest.”

As the prime minister walked among the crowd for photos and handshakes, his security detail noted Manning was “getting too close.”

One officer asked Manning to back up, but he refused.

“Don’t touch me. If you injure me, I’ll sue you,” Manning yelled at the RCMP officer.

He then poked the officer in the upper chest, demanded his badge number and said: “You don’t know who I am.”

Manning refused to leave

According to the facts, “Manning was verbally loud and angry and became disruptive.”

Plain-clothed Calgary RCMP and city police moved in and tried to get Manning off the property, but he continued to refuse to leave.

Police attempted to “escort Manning gently by the arm,” but he pulled away.

“This back and forth continued until Manning got in [the sergeant’s] face, within eight inches, and pointed his finger right at his face, almost hitting him,” according to the agreed statement of facts.

Police then forcibly escorted Manning out of the area and he was arrested for trespassing.

Source: CBC

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