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African Embassies in Canada Called to Champion African Culture

The co-founder of People of Motherland, Georgette Amihere, has expressed concern over the minimal involvement of most African Embassies and Consulates in promoting African culture within Canada.

“African embassies are the worst,” she stated, referring to their failure to acknowledge receipt of official correspondence inviting them to events that promote culture. “They don’t show up,” she added.

Georgette Amihere, who has led the African Pavilion at the highly popular Carassauga Festival for the past 19 years, believes that African Embassies and Consulates should be leading the charge in organizing such events. In their absence, she feels it would be beneficial for them to collaborate effectively with organizations that have undertaken this responsibility.

Georgette Amihere (Left)

She emphasized that the African community in Canada could become a formidable force only by uniting to promote African culture.

According to Amihere, the responsibility also lies with the parents of Black children to educate them about their heritage, and cultural events play a significant role in supporting parental efforts.

Georgette Amihere revealed these during an interview at the 2024 Carassauga Festival held at various event centres in Mississauga.

The Carassauga Festival, an incorporated non-profit volunteer community organization, has been celebrating multiculturalism since 1986. Recognized as Canada’s largest multicultural festival, Carassauga is organized by the city of Mississauga. This city-wide, family-friendly event aims to foster understanding, respect, and cooperation among Canadians of diverse backgrounds.

Ranked among the top 100 multicultural festivals in Canada, Carassauga attracts over 275,000 visitors annually, with the African Pavilion drawing between 10,000 to 15,000 attendees.

The pavilion serves as a cultural hub that unites African countries and communities, along with friends and partners of Africa from various origins. It showcases the history and richness of African heritage through crafts, local products, traditional dress parades, and more.

People of Motherland is an organization that offers citizen groups from Mississauga, hailing from various countries, the opportunity to raise public awareness and foster appreciation and enjoyment of their cultural expressions.

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